
Purge Before Packing
Before you shove everything into a closet, check to see if you really need it. Is it still useful? Can it be repurposed? Does it bring you joy?

The 5 Second Rule
When deciding whether or not to keep something, make a decision within 5 seconds. This will keep your decisions quick and instinctive.

Everything In Its Place
Have a home for everything you own. Most spaces are messy because there are too many objects that don’t have a place to reside.

Before and After: How Organizing My Friend’s Kitchen Changed Her Life and Marriage
BEFORE AFTER Say Hello To Tina and Ricky My friend Tina never really had the opportunity to learn how to ...

Pantry Perfection
In America we tend to waste a lot of food. We're all guilty at one point or another of storing ...

Minimalism Doesn’t Mean Your Home Has to Look Like a Barren Wasteland
When you think of the word minimalism, it probably conjures up images of sterile white rooms with a single piece ...